Since I&039;s why he doesn&039;s al

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Since I&039;s why he doesn&039;s all. All the fixes and features were added by me. On 8.4, the data structure and many things were much different than the previous gcam build. I wrote 95% codes newly for adapting the features with the new gcam. If you have enough knowledge about that, you can decompile the codes and can see. A few hours ago, he came to my pm and asked for help to fix a bug. Other bug fixes he has already copied from my previous builds. When i didn&039;s idea like lut, watermark. Bigkaka basically writes code in golan and uses them as a Library so that none can see the codes(A shared binary file can be decoded correctly). If you have used both cameras, you will understand that the output of both cameras are different. Because the feature algorithm is completely different from each other. Lut, watermark and other things were invented many times ago and those were basically post processing features. And when I use his idea, i give him credit for that as well. When he uses my ideas, he also gives me credit as well. So it&039;s why he keeps saying this type of bullshit. Me and Bigkaka help each other to fix the new gcam base bug. And hasli copies them without permission.
Hasli just wants popularity by copy pasting my codes. A few days ago, he released bigkaka&039;s no way to copy and that's why Hasli copies my codes cause i write codes directly in java. I have forbidden him several times to not copy my codes. But he said, "He will do." And he showed the causes that i have mentioned before. It really discourages us to mod new builds.
And I always give credit when someone works with me on a mod. You guys can check those changelogs as well.
既然来了,我就应该说实话。 Lmc 8.4 基于 sgcam 8.4.400 v26,Lmc 8.8 基于 sgcam 8.8 v10,lmc 8.2 也基于其他开发人员。 Lmc modder(Hasli) 完全不懂java。他甚至自己从未写过任何一行代码。所以这就是为什么他也看不懂gcam的代码。他只是采用了精心布置的模组并将其重新命名,更改了相机偏好的一些布局,仅此而已。所有的修复和功能都是我添加的。在 8.4 上,数据结构和许多内容与之前的 gcam 构建有很大不同。我新编写了 95% 的代码来适应新 gcam 的功能。如果你对此有足够的了解,你可以反编译代码并看到。几个小时前,他来找我的下午并请求帮助修复一个错误。他已经从我之前的版本中复制了其他错误修复。当我没有帮助他时,因为我看到他重命名了我的代码的许多类并在他的 lmc8.3 中使用,Hasli 报告说我使用了 bigkaka 的想法,如 lut、watermark。 Bigkaka 基本上是在 golan 中编写代码并将它们用作库,这样就没有人可以看到代码(可以正确解码共享的二进制文件)。如果您使用过这两款相机,您就会明白这两款相机的输出是不同的。因为特征算法彼此完全不同。 Lut、水印和其他东西很多年前就被发明了,这些基本上都是后处理功能。当我使用他的想法时,我也会赞扬他。当他使用我的想法时,他也给予我信任。所以是平等的。 Hasli 还报告了有关提取地址和值的情况。如果任何人对c++有一点了解,他就可以轻松找到地址(知道参数如何工作),并可以使用arm转换器轻松创建值数组。他不懂密码,所以才一直说这种废话。我和 Bigkaka 互相帮助修复新的 gcam 基本错误。哈斯利未经许可就复制了它们。
哈斯利只是想通过复制粘贴我的代码来受欢迎。几天前,他发布了bigkaka的版本,但没有提及他的频道。你们都知道,Bigkaka 用 golan 编写代码,无法复制,这就是 Hasli 复制我的代码的原因,因为我直接用 java 编写代码。我已经多次禁止他不要复制我的代码。但他说:“他会的。”他展示了我之前提到的原因。这确实阻止了我们修改新版本。

代码, 都是, 这就是

这也许就是lmc后续更新跟不上的原因?反正我是不懂。吃瓜就好! #谷歌相机#
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