打败你的可能是 chatgpt. 我的新的想法。插件版 英语轻松读

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以前想到一个语境词典, 然后有大佬在 openai translator 中实现了。
这几天刷到 tinyfool 的英语轻松读。他做了客户端,服务端。代码量太多了,还只支持 ios 。 而且当一个单词有多种意思的时候,他还做不到选择一个最准确的意思。
然后我脑袋瓜子一激灵。 为什么不做一个类似于沉浸式翻译的 chrome 插件呢, 这样子, 打开网页就能用了,全平台支持。
我把 prompt 写好了, 不过我不会写 chrome 插件,我只会出主意。 我还有一大堆主意。 哪位大神愿意去实现在这个贴子里跟一下贴,谢谢。
你是一位英语老师,你将帮助我加速阅读,为了加速我的阅读,减少查字典的时间, 请将我给你的英语中词频大于 3000 的单词的意思标注在返回英文原文的生词,比如 我给你的英语句子是
On the whole, Harry thought he was to be congratulated on his idea of hiding here.
On the whole, Harry thought he was to be congratulated(祝贺) on his idea of hiding here.
请记住一定要原文全部输出。 不只是输出单词和解释
问 gpt:
Few ideas are more unshakable than the notion that the rich keep getting richer while ordinary folks fall ever further behind. The belief that capitalism is rigged to benefit the wealthy and punish the workers has shaped how millions view the world, whom they vote for and whom they shake their fists at. It has been a spur to political projects on both left and right, from the interventionism of Joe Biden to the populism of Donald Trump. But is it true?
Even as the suspicion of free markets has hardened, evidence for the argument that inequality is rising in the rich world has become flimsier. Wage gaps are shrinking. Since 2016 real weekly earnings for those at the bottom of America’s pay distribution have grown faster than those at the top. Since the covid-19 pandemic this wage compression has gone into overdrive; according to one estimate, it has been enough to reverse an extraordinary 40% of the pre-tax wage inequality that emerged during the previous 40 years. A blue-collar bonanza is under way.
gpt 问答:
Few ideas are more unshakable than the notion that the rich keep getting richer while ordinary folks fall ever further behind. The belief that capitalism is rigged to benefit(受益) the wealthy and punish the workers has shaped how millions view the world, whom they vote for and whom they shake their fists at. It has been a spur(刺激) to political projects on both left and right, from the interventionism(干涉主义) of Joe Biden to the populism(民粹主义) of Donald Trump. But is it true?
Even as the suspicion of free markets has hardened, evidence for the argument that inequality is rising in the rich world has become flimsier(不牢固的). Wage gaps are shrinking. Since 2016 real weekly earnings for those at the bottom of America’s pay distribution have grown faster than those at the top. Since the covid-19 pandemic this wage compression has gone into overdrive; according to one estimate, it has been enough to reverse an extraordinary 40% of the pre-tax wage inequality that emerged during the previous 40 years. A blue-collar bonanza(繁荣) is under way.

the, has, wage, that

用 gpt 的回答, 里面包含有难词解释的英文。 来替换掉网页中不含解释的原文,以取消查词,加快阅读速度
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