[ol]Dear Valued Customer,
As previously shared, our Los Angeles LAX10 colocation suite (“Colo 4”) at 2260 W El Segundo Blvd was affected by an event due to causes beyond our reasonable control on Sunday, May 21, 2023, rendering Colo 4 inoperative.
Over the past several months we have worked with third-party data recovery vendors who have now exhausted their data recovery efforts.
Unfortunately, the incident at our Los Angeles data center impacted both primary and local backup services, and iON customers that did not have remote backup or offsite disaster recovery services will not be able to recover their data.
We are now in the process of bringing up a new VPS environment. iON customers that have been affected will be set up in this new environment.
We encourage you to consider remote backup services and explore additional disaster recovery services. Please visit krypt.com or contact your sales representative for more information.
We appreciate your continued patience. If you have additional questions, please call 888-365-2656 or contact [email protected].
Best regards,
Krypt Support
Servers in Question:
Hostname: hosta29d0ffef5 / IP Address: 98.xx
Best Regards,
iON - by Evocative Team[/ol]复制代码
[ol]尊敬的客户:, 如前所述,我们位于2260 W El Segundo Blvd的洛杉矶LAX10主机代管套房(“Colo 4”)在2023年5月21日(星期日)因我们无法合理控制的原因受到事件影响,导致Colo 4无法运行。 在过去的几个月里,我们与第三方数据恢复供应商合作,他们现在已经耗尽了数据恢复工作。 不幸的是,我们洛杉矶数据中心的事件影响了主备份和本地备份服务,没有远程备份或异地灾难恢复服务的iON客户将无法恢复其数据。 我们现在正在建立一个新的VPS环境。受到影响的iON客户将在这个新环境中建立。 我们鼓励您考虑远程备份服务,并探索其他灾难恢复服务。请访问krypt.com或联系您的销售代表了解更多信息。 我们感谢您的持续耐心。如果您还有其他问题,请致电888-365-2656或联系[email protected]. 顺致敬意, Krypt支持 有问题的服务器: 主机名:hosta29d0ffef5/IP地址:98.126.xxx 顺致敬意, iON-由唤起团队[/ol]复制代码