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今天了解了一下国内的 ai 平台,看到了两个都挺不错的,star 也比较多,一个面向 B 端强点,一个面向 C 端强点。
前者是 Dify ,训练模型对话方面很强,但貌似用户系统不是很完善。后者是 fastgpt ,有比较完善的用户系统,包括有充值、计费功能,但是不能直接用。
1. Dify is permitted to be used for commercialization, such as using Dify as a "backend-as-a-service" for your other applications, or delivering it to enterprises as an application development platform. However, when the following conditions are met, you must contact the producer to obtain a commercial license:
a. Multi-tenant SaaS service: Unless explicitly authorized by Dify in writing, you may not use the Dify.AI source code to operate a multi-tenant SaaS service that is similar to the Dify.AI service edition.
b. LOGO and copyright information: In the process of using Dify, you may not remove or modify the LOGO or copyright information in the Dify console.

1. FastGPT is permitted to be used for commercialization. You can use FastGPT as a "backend-as-a-service" for your other applications, or delivering it to enterprises as an application development platform. However, when the following conditions are met, you must contact the producer to obtain a commercial license:
a. Multi-tenant SaaS service: Unless explicitly authorized by FastGPT in writing, you may not use the FastGPT.AI source code to operate a multi-tenant SaaS service that is similar to the FastGPT.
b. LOGO and copyright information: In the process of using FastGPT, you may not remove or moFastGPT the LOGO or copyright information in the FastGPT console.
是的,意思和限制是一样的,都是 Apache2.0 ,但是有两个条件:
A:不能多租户 SaaS 服务
B 条件我比较好理解,国内开源环境差嘛。一般用了也不会告诉别人这是基于某某应用开发的,于是弄了个“不能去除,修改软件界面的 Logo 和名字[流汗]”。
A 我就不能理解了,什么是 Saas ,saas 就是有用户登录注册,每个用户是单独的对话,应用数据,账号信息,这难道不是一个 AI 平台基础的功能吗?这不是限制你本身的优势和特性吗。
选择开源这么大的平台我很佩服,我只是想说,完全可以 MPL ,GPL 的,没必要开创这种 Apache2.0 的,Extra 版本的模式。
最后提一句:其实有了 B 限制,A 限制就没太大意义了,用户每次登录基于这个应用开发的软件后台,首先看到的就是你们的版权信息,那不是别人做的越大,你的知名度越高嘛。

dify, fastgpt, the, SaaS

这并不是开源,顺便说一下 Facebook 的 Llama 也不是开源。
OP 可以不跟嘛。
很多国内开源就是挂个代码装 x ,说自己 apache mix 协议,然后又加了一句 有软著 受大陆产权保护……一个开源也不敢用,就是挂出来装 x 的……还有个开源的,人家拿来讲课,居然被他全网骂
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