现在能刷机的国产 Android 新机有哪些

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23 年 8 月
请帮忙推荐一个安卓机,不想被操作系统级别监控。Pixel 不考虑了,性价比太低。
预算 8k 以内

pixel, 安卓机, 国产, Android

s23u 港版台版买来直接用,为什么要求国产,不怕被硬件级别监控?
小米 一加
一加 11 。。。目前 crdroid 更新很勤快
Highlights & Device Specific Changes:
Build type: Weekly
Device: OnePlus 11 5G (salami)
Device maintainer: Pranav Vashi (neobuddy89)
===== 13 August, 2023 =====
* Android August 2023 Security Update
- salami: Updated cpufreq/sched kernel configuration (from QCOM)
- salami: Enabled ZRAM with LZ4 compression
- salami: Added russian translations for OnePlus DeviceSettings
===== 11 August, 2023 =====
- salami: Added Moto Dolby
- salami: Fixed display modes for newer AMB670YF08 panels
- salami: Reverted default to vivid color display mode
- salami: Removed huge Oplus kernel cruft
- salami: Merged latest CAF tag KERNEL.PLATFORM.2.0.r1-12800-kernel.0 for kernel
- salami: Kernel compiled with clang-17 + ThinLTO
= salami: Kernel upstreamed to 5.15.94
===== 6 August, 2023 =====
- salami: Vanilla builds - removed gapps (flash linked gapps separately)
- salami: Switched to source-built kernel + few kernel optimizations
- salami: Added device settings with multiple customization for tri-state switch
- salami: Added device settings to enable USB 2.0 fast charge
- salami: Show VOOC charging on lock screen when connected to original charger
- salami: Updated recovery and pre-installation zip
===== 1 August, 2023 =====
- salami: Removed OnePlus camera till fixed little more
===== 30 July, 2023 =====
- salami: Add OnePlus camera (all working except Portrait mode)
- salami: Enable blur for various components (like launcher recents, qs transparency)
- salami: Default to cinematic color mode
- salami: Updated cpu info tile overlay, configured fps info tile
- salami: Switched to crdroid doze features (crdroid > UI > Ambient Display)
- salami: Set screen density to 420 from 450 - looks better
- salami: Updated kernel with CAF updates
- salami: Updated recovery and pre-installation zip
===== 29 July, 2023 =====
- Initial crDroid 9 build for OnePlus 11 5G
@godmiracle 我刷了 nameless 有点后悔了,半个月没更新,好些 bug 还没修
预算 8k 以内
moto x40, 最近刚开始有 los 和 crdroid 刷, los 有 bug 我先退回美版固件了
小米 红米 一加
@jimmy980352 友情提醒一句:三大运营商的基站也是国产的,只要你还插着他们的 SIM 卡,那就... ...
@noahhhh 我一开始也刷的无名想着专做一加口碑后。。。发现耗电如流水,就跳车了。
crd 也试了下,感觉也一般,不过更新好勤快,可能刚开始没优化好,耗电和指纹解锁闪这块。
最后还是刷了氧 os ,root 养老。
反正现在 9008 工具出来了,随便折腾
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