When you purchased your service, you opted in for the standard level of processing power, which is a semi-shared CPU.
We've noticed that your service has been using lots of processing power, or more specifically 53.99% CPU for multiple hours. We just need you to reduce your usage to fall in line with our standard AUP, which allows you to burst to 100% but needs to be at a lower amount on average. You also have the option to have your CPU be dedicated to you, in which case you may purchase the high CPU addon if it's available for your plan.
The system we used to identify your server's potential abuse is simple but unfortunately does not give us logs as to what occurred on your server that caused the higher usage. The system measures the CPU for each VPS separately over a 2 hour period and provides us the usage value that we've provided above to you, if that value is higher than what is allotted to your server according to our AUP more than 3 times in one week then we send out this warning.
Please let us know if you have any questions or feel that this message was sent in error. We require an action (reducing usage or purchasing a dedicated core) or your service may be temporarily powered off in the future. We would like to ensure you and others have the best experience possible.
Thank you.[/ol]复制代码