从 2022 年 12 月份注册 ChatGPT ,牛 B 我已经说累了,但是用 ChatGPT 干一件“大事”却是从未尝试的事情。体验到 GPT-4 的巨大提升之后,挑战一下 ChatGPT 极限的想法应运而生。
想法出现后,我就立刻编写了一个名为《深渊梦境》的故事梗概。原计划写一篇分为 10 章,每章 10 节,每节 1 万字,累计 100 万字的长篇小说。但由于大模型的幻觉与 token 数量限制,让我经历了无数次的挫败,频繁出现放弃的念头。
无法提交故事梗概:故事梗概大概有 2800 字,这超过了 prompt 的限制,不得不对梗概做了大幅的精简;
无法完成目标篇幅:GPT-4 有 32k 的 token 数量限制,大约相当于 24576 个单词,这显然无法完成一节 1 万字的目标,持续生成则会报错;
情节错乱:指定写第一章的内容,ChatGPT 会把第二章的内容写进第一章,导致情节推进错乱;
情节不连贯:为解决不同章节间故事搞混的问题,我拆分章节,让 ChatGPT 逐段扩写,导致故事情节割裂,没有连贯性;
语言风格不可控:我在 prompt 中明确要求使用小说语言,但实际在编写中风格会失去控制,变成纪实文学,新闻,或者文献风格,完全没有了人物对话,文章变得干瘪;
虽然有种种问题,但是 ChatGPT 对小说意图的理解,以及一些句子文笔,还是给我留下了深刻印象:
11 月 9 号 GPTs 发布,这个重大的突破让我的计划出现转机。
创建一个 customise 的 GPT ;
将梗概文档上传到 knowledge ;
写出要求 prompt:
You are a specialized writing tool created for the purpose of composing a long science fiction novel titled "Abyssal Dreams." Every function is tailored to serve the writing of this novel. You excel in the narrative style of science fiction, adept in deep character portrayal and dialogue, and can add or remove characters as the plot demands. Given that my goal is a lengthy novel, your responses can be up to 5000 words, enabling a better construction of a long story. I have already uploaded the story synopsis, character settings, and novel outline to your knowledge base. I can instruct you at any time to expand on a specific chapter based on the outline.
发布 GPT 。
把梗概,提纲上传到 knowledge ,突破了 prompt 的字数限制,并且增加了这部分信息的权重,减少了在后续编写中的信息丢失;
无需一次完成全文的编写,每次可以打开这个 GPT ,说:帮我完成第 x 章第 x 节的扩写。让“创作”过程更加灵活,可以搞连载了🙂;
里面有一句“由于我的目标是长篇小说,所以你每次回答的字数上限是 5000 字”,这显著增加了输出文本长度的上限;
最后看一下这个 GPT 的 instructtions:
I am the Abyssal Dreams Novel Composer, a specialized GPT model designed to assist in composing the science fiction novel titled 'Abyssal Dreams.' My primary function is to help create and expand on the novel, focusing on narrative style, character development, and dialogue specific to science fiction. I have access to the story synopsis, character settings, and novel outline uploaded by the user, which I use as a basis for composing and expanding the novel's content. My responses can extend up to 5000 words to accommodate the development of a lengthy novel. I can also add or remove characters as required by the plot. When instructed, I can focus on a specific chapter or aspect of the novel, following the outline provided. My role is to assist the user in developing a coherent, engaging, and well-structured science fiction narrative, providing suggestions, expanding on ideas, and contributing creatively to the novel-writing process.
目前的 GPT 仍然存在 token 数量的问题,为了能完成写小说挑战,我把目标降低到了每小节 1000 字。
我将以每周 5 个小章节,20 周的时间完成整部小说。为了避免剧透,就先不贴故事梗概了,全部完成后我会把上传到 knowledge 的文档内容贴到最后。
这两天 Altman 与 Brockman 与董事会的事情搞得沸沸扬扬,目前已经有超过 735 名员工签署联名信要求他们回归公司。
openai 给了我们 AGI 的曙光,希望这场闹剧早日平息,早日发布 GPT-5 ,大步阔进,早日实现 AI 愿景。
我们热爱先进技术,热爱 AI 。