ovh 0.97没扣款的看看这个

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Thank you for reaching out to OVHcloud US. Your subscription auto renewed on 01/27/2023. On this first renewal, your account is billed at a prorated charge to cover your services from 01/27/2023 to 02/01/2023.
Please note due to the balance being a negligible amount ($0.16), we will not be collecting the payment for your invoice INV_US479205.
Your subscription will auto renew again on 02/01/2023 and your account will be billed for the full month ($0.97). It will be billed that amount on the first of each month unless you add or cancel a service. This policy ensures that customers are eventually billed for their servers on the first of every month regardless of when they were purchased.
For more information about Billing at OVHcloud US, click on the following link. 

If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via support ticket or chat. Thank you for choosing OVHcloud US.

感谢您联系 OVHcloud US。 您的订阅于 2023 年 1 月 27 日自动续订。 在第一次续订时,您的帐户将按比例收取费用,以涵盖您从 01/27/2023 到 02/01/2023 的服务费用。
请注意,由于余额可以忽略不计(0.16 美元),我们不会收取您的** INV_US479205 的付款。
您的订阅将在 2023 年 2 月 1 日再次自动续订,您的帐户将按整月收费($0.97)。 除非您添加或取消服务,否则它将在每个月的第一天收取该金额。 此策略确保客户最终会在每个月的第一天为其服务器付费,而不管他们是何时购买的。 有关 OVHcloud US 计费的更多信息,请单击以下链接。
如果您有任何其他问题或疑虑,请随时通过支持票或聊天与我们联系。 感谢您选择 OVHcloud US。

您的, 将在, 感谢您

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