试了 mftp: tap forward mouse button ,mbtp: tap bacward mouse button ,mbck ,mfwd 都不行。
This configuration will process all keys pressed inside of kanata, even if
they are not mapped in defsrc. This is so that certain actions can activate
at the right time for certain input sequences. By default, unmapped keys are
not processed through kanata due to a Windows issue related to AltGr. If you
use AltGr in your keyboard, you will likely want to follow the simple.kbd
file while unmapping lctl and ralt from defsrc.
process-unmapped-keys yes
caps grv q w e [ ] Backspace
a s d
lsft . rsft
ralt apps rctl
(deflayer default
@cap (unicode "`") _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _
_ _ _
@ralt VolumeDown VolumeUp
(deflayer ralt
_ (unicode "`") home up end VolumeDown VolumeUp Delete
left down rght
_ (unicode ">") _
_ _ _
cap (tap-hold-press 200 200 (unicode ">") (layer-toggle ralt))
ralt (tap-hold-press 200 200 grv (layer-toggle ralt))