[ol]{"code":"MarketplacePurchaseEligibilityFailed","message":"市场购买资格检查返回了错误。请查看内部错误了解详细信息。","details":[{"code":"BadRequest","message":"Offer with PublisherId: 'procomputers', OfferId: 'centos-7-9' cannot be purchased due to validation errors. For more information see details. Correlation Id: '8ea82ba3-4f60-4c3b-94d1-ef8bedd6f9b2' The offer with Offer ID 'centos-7-9' was not found. Try one of these: 1- Make sure the offer name is written correctly. 2- If this offer was recently created, allow up to 30 minutes for it to be available for purchase. 3- The offer may have been removed from the marketplace. Look for similar offers from this publisher here: 'https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps?page=1%26search=procomputers%20centos-7-9'. Publisher ID: 'procomputers', Offer ID: 'centos-7-9', Correlation ID '8ea82ba3-4f60-4c3b-94d1-ef8bedd6f9b2'.[{"The offer with Offer ID 'centos-7-9' was not found. Try one of these: 1- Make sure the offer name is written correctly. 2- If this offer was recently created, allow up to 30 minutes for it to be available for purchase. 3- The offer may have been removed from the marketplace. Look for similar offers from this publisher here: 'https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps?page=1%26search=procomputers%20centos-7-9'. Publisher ID: 'procomputers', Offer ID: 'centos-7-9', Correlation ID '8ea82ba3-4f60-4c3b-94d1-ef8bedd6f9b2'.":"StoreApi"}]"}]}[/ol]复制代码