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客户不得以任何方式破坏我们服务器/ VPS 节点的整体性能。客户同意遵守以下使用政策:
高 CPU:客户服务的使用率不能突增到 95-100% 超过五 (5) 分钟,并且在任何两 (2) 小时内的平均使用率不能高于 50%。高
负载:客户服务的 15 分钟平均负载不能高于分配的完整逻辑核心数,并且 1 天平均负载不能高于分配的完整逻辑 CPU 核心数的 70%。
高磁盘 I/O:客户服务在任何两 (2) 小时内的平均负载不能超过 80 IOPS,在十 (10) 分钟内不能突增超过 200MB/s 的磁盘写入平均值,在 1 小时内不能平均每秒超过 300 次写入操作,并且在任何六 (6) 小时内的平均利用率不能超过 20%。
高网络使用率:客户服务在任何时候都不能拥有超过 30,000 个 conntrack 会话,也不能使用超过分配的带宽。客户了解网络是共享的,并非总是能够利用最大网络速度。
Please follow the below policy.
Resource Usage Policy:
Any usage by Customer that disrupts the overall performance of our server / VPS Nodes is not permitted. Customer agrees to operate within the usage policy as under:
High CPU: Customer’s Service cannot burst to 95-100% usage for more than five (5) minutes and cannot average higher than 50% usage within any two (2) hour period.
High Load: Customer’s Service cannot have a 15-minute load average higher than the number of full logical cores assigned and cannot have a 1-day load average higher than 70% of the number of full logical CPU cores assigned.
High Disk I/O: Customer’s Service cannot average more than 80 IOPS within any two (2) hour period, cannot burst above 200MB/s disk write average for more than ten (10) minutes, cannot average more than 300 write operations per second for more than 1 hour, and cannot be above 20% average utilization within any six (6) hour period.
High Network Usage: Customer’s Service cannot have more than 30,000 conntrack sessions at any given time, and cannot use more than the allocated bandwidth. Customer understands that the network is shared and utilizing maximum network speed will not always be possible.

客户服务, 负载, 使用率

就是说你装个程序稍微久一点 那么你的机器就没有了。装好以后你祖宗保佑千万被被攻击,攻击异常 机也没有了

happiness 发表于 2024-10-23 21:04
就是说你装个程序稍微久一点 那么你的机器就没有了。装好以后你祖宗保佑千万被被攻击,攻击异常 机也没有了 ...

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