搬瓦工 99 年付套餐又上线了, 2C2G 1TB 流量,香港日本可选,能冲么?

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SSD: 40 GB RAID-10
CPU: 2 cores
Monthly Transfer: 1000 GB
Datacenters: up to 5 datacenters 18 datacenters:
Osaka, Japan: 2.5 Gbps
Hong Kong: 2.5 Gbps
Amsterdam, Netherlands, EUNL_3/ i3d: 1 Gbps
Amsterdam, Netherlands, EUNL_9/ China Unicom: 2.5 Gbps
New Jersey, USA: 1 Gbps
New York, USA: 2.5 Gbps
New York-Manhattan, USA: 2.5 Gbps
Los Angeles, USA, USCA_2/ AO: 1 Gbps
Los Angeles, USA, USCA_4/ MCOM: 1 Gbps
Los Angeles, USA, USCA_6/ CN2GIA-E: 2.5 Gbps
Los Angeles, USA, USCA_8/ ZNET: 1 Gbps
Los Angeles, USA, USCA_9/ CN2GIA: 1 Gbps
Vancouver, Canada, CABC_1: 2.5 Gbps
Vancouver, Canada, CABC_6/ CN2GIA: 2.5 Gbps
Fremont, USA/ HE: 2.5 Gbps
Fremont, USA/ FMT8: 2.5 Gbps
Dubai, UAE: 2.5 Gbps
Sydney, Australia: 2.5 Gbps
As always, you can switch the datacenter in the control panel after VM is live.
How much does it cost?
The closest currently existing plan (which actually offers less than The Plan!) is priced at $299.99/yr.
Today, you can get The Plan for only $99/yr.
And, thanks to our Rewards program, it gets cheaper every year!
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