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Update: We are working through tickets as quickly as we can. This compromise by an old employee has been disgusting and catastrophic to say the least. There will be compensation of some kind but this won't come until we have everyone online with a VPS again. As a side node you should always backup your data and or VPS no matter where you host. 90%+ hosting providers do not provide a backup of your data unless paid for. If VPS backup is something everyone is looking for we can provide that with the current location it will just cost more. Keep in mind we are in the process of purchasing our own data center and building new services at this location which will include full (1) weekly backup of all VPS services onto it's own storage. This new location will have multiple redundancy factors built in and safeguards against this very issue.
From what we are seeing all data was deleted thanks to this old employee (Ryder). We tried everything to recover the data but he actually went in and deleted everything. We reached out to Virtfusion who has been helping us along the way and it's the same outcome. We are just as upset as you all are. Legal action is being taken against this individual.

死了, data, matter

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