Hyper Expert - Closure

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It's with a heavy heart that I must share the news of my decision to shut down Hyper Expert. I understand this may be disappointing, and I value your understanding in this challenging situation.
I started Hyper Expert in 2017, and it has been an amazing journey and a great experience meeting so many bright individuals who have helped keep this small community afloat. Hyper Expert became more than just a VPS provider to some. It became an experience and a community where we share the latest tech news, laugh, and provide feedback to one another. I have learned so much from this experience, which I am grateful for and will forever remember.
Discord: https://discord.gg/wFvF43C
I am committed to making this transition as smooth as possible. Starting immediately, I will suspend all due invoices and provide customers with a free 14-day period to move their data to another solution. After the 14-day period, all the hardware will be shut down and decommissioned. Once the hardware is shut down, I will not be able to retrieve any data. If you’ve subscribed with yearly payments, I will issue partial refunds for the remainder of your term.
I will keep the Discord community alive, so please stop by, ask questions, and have fun. We may collectively come up with the next best thing!
Thank you, and wish you all the best of luck!
我怀着沉重的心情告诉大家我决定关闭 Hyper Expert。我知道这可能会令人失望,我非常重视您在这种充满挑战的情况下的理解。
我于 2017 年创办了 Hyper Expert,这是一个奇妙的旅程,也是一次很棒的经历,我结识了这么多聪明的人,他们帮助这个小社区得以维持。对于某些人来说,Hyper Expert 不仅仅是一个 VPS 提供商。它成为了一次体验和一个社区,我们在这里分享最新的技术新闻、欢笑并相互提供反馈。我从这次经历中学到了很多东西,我对此心存感激并将永远铭记。
我致力于让这一过渡尽可能顺利。从即日起,我将暂停所有到期**,并为客户提供 14 天的免费期限,让他们将数据转移到另一个解决方案。14 天后,所有硬件都将关闭并退役。一旦硬件关闭,我将无法检索任何数据。如果您已按年付款,我将为您剩余的期限退还部分费用。
我会让 Discord 社区保持活力,所以请随时光临、提问并享受乐趣。我们可能会共同想出下一个最好的东西!
HyperExpert走了,再无0.99刀 西雅图v6only。这家用了两年多,服务很稳定,都没关过机。也算是完美的谢幕吧。

我将, 西雅图, 社区

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