
2024_April_21_09_00_07 Reflector.png (293.71 KB, 下载次数: 0)
2024-4-21 09:01 上传
[C#] 纯文本查看 复制代码private void btnCal2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
float num = 0f;
float num2 = 0f;
float num3 = 0f;
float num4 = 0f;
float num5 = 0f;
float num6 = 0f;
float num7 = 0f;
float num8 = 0f;
num = !((this.AX.Text != "") && this.IsNumbericString(this.AX.Text)) ? 0f : float.Parse(this.AX.Text);
num2 = !((this.AY.Text != "") && this.IsNumbericString(this.AY.Text)) ? 0f : float.Parse(this.AY.Text);
num3 = !((this.AZ.Text != "") && this.IsNumbericString(this.AZ.Text)) ? 0f : float.Parse(this.AZ.Text);
num4 = !((this.BX.Text != "") && this.IsNumbericString(this.BX.Text)) ? 0f : float.Parse(this.BX.Text);
num5 = !((this.BY.Text != "") && this.IsNumbericString(this.BY.Text)) ? 0f : float.Parse(this.BY.Text);
num6 = !((this.BZ.Text != "") && this.IsNumbericString(this.BZ.Text)) ? 0f : float.Parse(this.BZ.Text);
num7 = !((this.HSpeed.Text != "") && this.IsNumbericString(this.HSpeed.Text)) ? 0f : float.Parse(this.HSpeed.Text);
num8 = !((this.Acc.Text != "") && this.IsNumbericString(this.Acc.Text)) ? 0f : float.Parse(this.Acc.Text);
float num9 = (float) Math.Sqrt((double) ((((num4 - num) * (num4 - num)) + ((num5 - num2) * (num5 - num2))) + ((num6 - num3) * (num6 - num3))));
this.Dis.Text = ((int) Math.Round((double) num9)).ToString();
if (!(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Acc.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.HSpeed.Text)))
float num10 = num7 / num8;
float num11 = ((0.5f * num8) * num10) * num10;
if (num11 > (num9 / 2f))
this.PreTime.Text = ((int) Math.Round((double) (((2f * ((float) Math.Sqrt((double) (((2f * num8) * num9) / 2f)))) / num8) * 0x3e8f))).ToString();
this.PreTime.Text = ((int) Math.Round((double) ((((num7 / num8) * 2f) * 0x3e8f) + (((num9 - (num11 * 2f)) / num7) * 0x3e8f)))).ToString();
350x230b10_0011private void btnCal2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
float num = 0f;
float num2 = 0f;
float num3 = 0f;
float num4 = 0f;
float num5 = 0f;
float num6 = 0f;
float num7 = 0f;
float num8 = 0f;
num = !((this.AX.Text != "") && this.IsNumbericString(this.AX.Text)) ? 0f : float.Parse(this.AX.Text);
num2 = !((this.AY.Text != "") && this.IsNumbericString(this.AY.Text)) ? 0f : float.Parse(this.AY.Text);
num3 = !((this.AZ.Text != "") && this.IsNumbericString(this.AZ.Text)) ? 0f : float.Parse(this.AZ.Text);
num4 = !((this.BX.Text != "") && this.IsNumbericString(this.BX.Text)) ? 0f : float.Parse(this.BX.Text);
num5 = !((this.BY.Text != "") && this.IsNumbericString(this.BY.Text)) ? 0f : float.Parse(this.BY.Text);
num6 = !((this.BZ.Text != "") && this.IsNumbericString(this.BZ.Text)) ? 0f : float.Parse(this.BZ.Text);
num7 = !((this.HSpeed.Text != "") && this.IsNumbericString(this.HSpeed.Text)) ? 0f : float.Parse(this.HSpeed.Text);
num8 = !((this.Acc.Text != "") && this.IsNumbericString(this.Acc.Text)) ? 0f : float.Parse(this.Acc.Text);
float num9 = (float) Math.Sqrt((double) ((((num4 - num) * (num4 - num)) + ((num5 - num2) * (num5 - num2))) + ((num6 - num3) * (num6 - num3))));
this.Dis.Text = ((int) Math.Round((double) num9)).ToString();
if (!(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Acc.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.HSpeed.Text)))
float num10 = num7 / num8;
float num11 = ((0.5f * num8) * num10) * num10;
if (num11 > (num9 / 2f))
this.PreTime.Text = ((int) Math.Round((double) (((2f * ((float) Math.Sqrt((double) (((2f * num8) * num9) / 2f)))) / num8) * 0x3e8f))).ToString();
this.PreTime.Text = ((int) Math.Round((double) ((((num7 / num8) * 2f) * 0x3e8f) + (((num9 - (num11 * 2f)) / num7) * 0x3e8f)))).ToString();
[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码def calculate_distance(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz):
num4 = float(bx) if bx else 0.0
num5 = float(by) if by else 0.0
num6 = float(bz) if bz else 0.0
num = float(ax) if ax else 0.0
num2 = float(ay) if ay else 0.0
num3 = float(az) if az else 0.0
num9 = ((num4 - num) ** 2 + (num5 - num2) ** 2 + (num6 - num3) ** 2) ** 0.5
return int(round(num9))
def calculate_pre_time(acc, hspeed, distance):
num7 = float(hspeed) if hspeed else 0.0
num8 = float(acc) if acc else 0.0
num10 = num7 / num8
num11 = 0.5 * num8 * num10 ** 2
if num11 > distance / 2:
return int(round((2 * ((2 * num8 * distance / 2) ** 0.5) / num8) * 1000))
return int(round(((num7 / num8) * 2 * 1000) + ((distance - (num11 * 2)) / num7) * 1000))
# 示例用法
ax = input("请输入AX的值:")
ay = input("请输入AY的值:")
az = input("请输入AZ的值:")
bx = input("请输入BX的值:")
by = input("请输入BY的值:")
bz = input("请输入BZ的值:")
hspeed = input("请输入HSpeed的值:")
acc = input("请输入Acc的值:")
distance = calculate_distance(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz)
print(f"距离为:{distance} 米")
if acc and hspeed:
pre_time = calculate_pre_time(acc, hspeed, distance)
print(f"预计时间为:{pre_time} 毫秒")

2024_April_21_09_14_05 小鸟飞飞图形化编程炫舞软件.Patched.png (143.33 KB, 下载次数: 0)
2024-4-21 09:14 上传
[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码from lxml import etree as ET
import os
# 获取当前脚本所在的目录路径
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# 切换到脚本所在的目录
def remove_and_relocate_next_blocks(xml_document, namespace):
Remove 'block_delay' blocks and relocate their 'next' blocks (if any) to their parent element.
- xml_document: Path to the XML document.
- namespace: The namespace as a dictionary, e.g., {'ns': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'}
# Parse the XML document
tree = ET.parse(xml_document)
root = tree.getroot()
# Find all 'block_delay' blocks considering the namespace
block_delays = root.xpath('//ns:block[@type="block_delay"]', namespaces=namespace)
for block_delay in block_delays:
# Find 'next' block within block_delay
next_block = block_delay.find('ns:next', namespaces=namespace)
if next_block is not None:
# Temporarily store the contents of the 'next' block
temp_content = list(next_block)
# Remove the entire 'block_delay' block
parent = block_delay.getparent()
# Append temporarily stored content to the parent of 'block_delay' block
for elem in temp_content:
# If there is no 'next' block, remove the 'block_delay' block
parent = block_delay.getparent()
# Return the modified XML tree
return tree
# Specify your XML document path and namespace
# 用户输入原文件路径,默认为 'webCodeAll.xml'
input_file = input("请输入原文件路径(默认为 'webCodeAll.xml'):") or 'webCodeAll.xml'
namespace = {'ns': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'} # Replace with the actual namespace if different
# Call the function and save the result
modified_tree = remove_and_relocate_next_blocks(input_file, namespace)
if input("是否覆盖文件?(输入'y'或'Y'覆盖,其他情况不覆盖): ").strip().lower() == 'y':
output_file = input_file
# 用户输入输出文件名,默认为 'modified_webCodeAll.xml'
output_file = input("请输入输出文件名(默认为 'modified_webCodeAll.xml'):") or 'modified_webCodeAll.xml'
modified_tree.write(output_file, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=False, encoding='UTF-8')
[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码from lxml import etree as ET
import math
import os
# 获取当前脚本所在的目录路径
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# 切换到脚本所在的目录
# 此函数读取 XML 文件并返回树对象
def read_xml(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
return ET.parse(file)
# 此函数计算两个坐标之间的延迟
def calculate_delay(previous_coords, current_coords, hspeed, acc):
# 获取两个坐标点的值
ax, ay, az = previous_coords
bx, by, bz = current_coords
# 计算两点之间的距离
distance = math.sqrt((float(bx) - float(ax)) ** 2 + (float(by) - float(ay)) ** 2 + (float(bz) - float(az)) ** 2)
# 计算预计时间
num7 = float(hspeed) if hspeed else 0.0
num8 = float(acc) if acc else 0.0
num10 = num7 / num8
num11 = 0.5 * num8 * num10 ** 2
if num11 > distance / 2:
pre_time = int(round((2 * ((2 * num8 * distance / 2) ** 0.5) / num8) * 1000))
pre_time = int(round(((num7 / num8) * 2 * 1000) + ((distance - (num11 * 2)) / num7) * 1000))
pre_time = math.ceil(pre_time / 100) * 100
return pre_time
# 此函数将格式化后的 XML 树写入到新文件
def write_xml(tree, filename):
with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
tree.write(file, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=False, encoding='UTF-8')
# 用户输入水平速度(VH)和加速度(AH),默认为 200 和 400
hspeed = input("请输入水平速度(VH),默认为 200:") or '200'
acc = input("请输入加速度(AH),默认为 400:") or '400'
# 用户输入原文件路径,默认为 'webCodeAll.xml'
input_file = input("请输入原文件路径(默认为 'webCodeAll.xml'):") or 'webCodeAll.xml'
# 读取 XML 文件
tree = read_xml(input_file)
# 获取根节点,适应命名空间
root = tree.getroot()
ns = {'default_ns': root.nsmap[None]}
# 找到所有的 Goertek_MoveToCoord 块
move_to_coord_blocks = root.xpath('//default_ns:block[@type="Goertek_MoveToCoord"]', namespaces=ns)
# 上一个坐标的坐标值初始化为空
previous_coords = None
# 遍历所有的 Goertek_MoveToCoord 块
for block in move_to_coord_blocks:
# 读取当前块下的坐标值
current_coords = (
block.find('default_ns:field[@name="X"]', namespaces=ns).text,
block.find('default_ns:field[@name="Y"]', namespaces=ns).text,
block.find('default_ns:field[@name="Z"]', namespaces=ns).text
# 如果存在前一个坐标块,则计算延迟
if previous_coords:
delay = calculate_delay(previous_coords, current_coords, hspeed, acc)
# 创建 block_delay 块
delay_block = ET.Element('{{{}}}block'.format(ns['default_ns']), attrib={'type': 'block_delay'})
delay_field_time = ET.SubElement(delay_block, '{{{}}}field'.format(ns['default_ns']), attrib={'name': 'time'})
delay_field_time.text = str(delay)
delay_field_delay = ET.SubElement(delay_block, '{{{}}}field'.format(ns['default_ns']), attrib={'name': 'delay'})
delay_field_delay.text = '0' # 或您计算出的正确值
# 检查当前块是否有
next_tag = block.find('default_ns:next', namespaces=ns)
if next_tag is not None:
next_content = next_tag.getchildren()
delay_next_tag = ET.SubElement(delay_block, '{{{}}}next'.format(ns['default_ns']))
delay_next_tag.extend(next_content) # 转移 next 内容
next_tag.clear() # 清除原有内容
next_tag.append(delay_block) # 插入 block_delay
# 直接创建 且不转移任何内容
next_tag = ET.SubElement(block, '{{{}}}next'.format(ns['default_ns']))
next_tag.append(delay_block) # 插入 block_delay
# 更新前一个坐标值以供下次循环使用
previous_coords = current_coords
if input("是否覆盖文件?(输入'y'或'Y'覆盖,其他情况不覆盖): ").strip().lower() == 'y':
output_file = input_file
# 用户输入输出文件名,默认为 'modified_webCodeAll.xml'
output_file = input("请输入输出文件名(默认为 'modified_webCodeAll.xml'):") or 'modified_webCodeAll.xml'
# 将修改后的 XML 树写入到新文件
write_xml(tree, output_file)
print(f"The modified XML has been saved to {output_file}.")
(block_delay计算 - 不带进一精确.py)
[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码from lxml import etree as ET
import math
import os
# 获取当前脚本所在的目录路径
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# 切换到脚本所在的目录
# 此函数读取 XML 文件并返回树对象
def read_xml(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
return ET.parse(file)
# 此函数计算两个坐标之间的延迟
def calculate_delay(previous_coords, current_coords, hspeed, acc):
# 获取两个坐标点的值
ax, ay, az = previous_coords
bx, by, bz = current_coords
# 计算两点之间的距离
distance = math.sqrt((float(bx) - float(ax)) ** 2 + (float(by) - float(ay)) ** 2 + (float(bz) - float(az)) ** 2)
# 计算预计时间
num7 = float(hspeed) if hspeed else 0.0
num8 = float(acc) if acc else 0.0
num10 = num7 / num8
num11 = 0.5 * num8 * num10 ** 2
if num11 > distance / 2:
pre_time = int(round((2 * ((2 * num8 * distance / 2) ** 0.5) / num8) * 1000))
pre_time = int(round(((num7 / num8) * 2 * 1000) + ((distance - (num11 * 2)) / num7) * 1000))
return pre_time
# 此函数将格式化后的 XML 树写入到新文件
def write_xml(tree, filename):
with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
tree.write(file, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=False, encoding='UTF-8')
# 用户输入水平速度(VH)和加速度(AH),默认为 200 和 400
hspeed = input("请输入水平速度(VH),默认为 200:") or '200'
acc = input("请输入加速度(AH),默认为 400:") or '400'
# 用户输入原文件路径,默认为 'webCodeAll.xml'
input_file = input("请输入原文件路径(默认为 'webCodeAll.xml'):") or 'webCodeAll.xml'
# 读取 XML 文件
tree = read_xml(input_file)
# 获取根节点,适应命名空间
root = tree.getroot()
ns = {'default_ns': root.nsmap[None]}
# 找到所有的 Goertek_MoveToCoord 块
move_to_coord_blocks = root.xpath('//default_ns:block[@type="Goertek_MoveToCoord"]', namespaces=ns)
# 上一个坐标的坐标值初始化为空
previous_coords = None
# 遍历所有的 Goertek_MoveToCoord 块
for block in move_to_coord_blocks:
# 读取当前块下的坐标值
current_coords = (
block.find('default_ns:field[@name="X"]', namespaces=ns).text,
block.find('default_ns:field[@name="Y"]', namespaces=ns).text,
block.find('default_ns:field[@name="Z"]', namespaces=ns).text
# 如果存在前一个坐标块,则计算延迟
if previous_coords:
delay = calculate_delay(previous_coords, current_coords, hspeed, acc)
# 创建 block_delay 块
delay_block = ET.Element('{{{}}}block'.format(ns['default_ns']), attrib={'type': 'block_delay'})
delay_field_time = ET.SubElement(delay_block, '{{{}}}field'.format(ns['default_ns']), attrib={'name': 'time'})
delay_field_time.text = str(delay)
delay_field_delay = ET.SubElement(delay_block, '{{{}}}field'.format(ns['default_ns']), attrib={'name': 'delay'})
delay_field_delay.text = '0' # 或您计算出的正确值
# 检查当前块是否有
next_tag = block.find('default_ns:next', namespaces=ns)
if next_tag is not None:
next_content = next_tag.getchildren()
delay_next_tag = ET.SubElement(delay_block, '{{{}}}next'.format(ns['default_ns']))
delay_next_tag.extend(next_content) # 转移 next 内容
next_tag.clear() # 清除原有内容
next_tag.append(delay_block) # 插入 block_delay
# 直接创建 且不转移任何内容
next_tag = ET.SubElement(block, '{{{}}}next'.format(ns['default_ns']))
next_tag.append(delay_block) # 插入 block_delay
# 更新前一个坐标值以供下次循环使用
previous_coords = current_coords
if input("是否覆盖文件?(输入'y'或'Y'覆盖,其他情况不覆盖): ").strip().lower() == 'y':
output_file = input_file
# 用户输入输出文件名,默认为 'modified_webCodeAll.xml'
output_file = input("请输入输出文件名(默认为 'modified_webCodeAll.xml'):") or 'modified_webCodeAll.xml'
# 将修改后的 XML 树写入到新文件
write_xml(tree, output_file)
print(f"The modified XML has been saved to {output_file}.")