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China Unicom (the Claimant) was unsuccessful in substantiating their claims in the arbitration case against DMIT (the Respondent) for the provision of services AS4837 and AS10099, valued at half a million US Dollars. Ultimately, it was determined that CUA should reimburse DMIT $x2,880.xx(5 digits) USD in the practical terms.
Initially, DMIT had entered into a significant contract with CUA for close to half a million dollars with the aim of joint development and exploring new market opportunities.
However, our plans changed due to unforeseen issues. CUA failed to fulfill the agreed-upon services and unilaterally altered the order, leading to the failed of DMIT's operations in San Jose and degrading our service quality in Tokyo.
CUA denied all liability and sought an arbitration ruling to compel DMIT to reimburse CUA for the full contract value.
As a leading provider of optimized routing solutions from the US to China, DMIT is disheartened by these events and the unreasonable business practices adopted by CUA. We regret to inform that we probably will no longer be working with CUA moving forward.
DMIT wants to share this story to all our partners; stay alert.
323 viewsedited  
May 5 at 11:15
中国联通(申请人)在针对 DMIT(被申请人)提供 AS4837 和 AS10099 服务、价值 50 万美元的仲裁案中未能证实其主张。最终,确定CUA应实际偿还DMIT $x2,880.xx(5位数字)美元。
最初,DMIT 与 CUA 签订了一份价值近 50 万美元的重要合同,旨在共同开发和探索新的市场机会。
然而,由于不可预见的问题,我们的计划发生了变化。 CUA未能履行约定的服务并单方面更改订单,导致DMIT在圣何塞的运营失败,并降低了我们在东京的服务质量。
CUA 否认承担所有责任,并寻求仲裁裁决,迫使他们向 DMIT 偿还全部合同价值。
作为美国至中国优化路由解决方案的领先提供商,DMIT对这些事件以及CUA采取的不合理商业行为感到沮丧。我们遗憾地通知您,今后我们可能不再与 CUA 合作。
DMIT 希望与我们所有的合作伙伴分享这个故事;保持警惕。

价值, 未能, 被申请人

DMIT SJC和JPPRO CU的路由劣化,还好意思说。
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