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> Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is based on which war?
The Napoleonic Wars
> What is Aristotle's allegory of the cave about?
Aristotle’s Allegory of The Cave describes a group of people who are chained in front of an open fire. They can only see shadows cast on the wall by puppets and other objects that pass between them, their back to reality. These prisoners believe these images they perceive as real until one day someone breaks free from his bonds and turns around for a moment before returning to his place behind him in front of the fireplace. He then sees what is really going on outside: he can see people walking by with objects that cast shadows, but also other things like trees or animals which do not have any shadow at all because they are realities themselves and thus cannot be perceived as a mere image. The prisoner who has seen the truth now returns to his place behind him in front of fireplace where he tries to convince others about what is really going on outside, but no one believes him since their perceptions have been limited by being chained up facing only shadows and not reality itself.
### Response:
> When did the Battle of Red Cliff take place in Chinese history?
The battle took place during the Three Kingdom period, around 208 AD (the year is uncertain). The warlord Cao Cao was trying to unify China under his rule. He had defeated Yuan Shu and Sun Jian but still faced a challenge from Liu Bei who controlled territories in southern part of China including the city Guangzhou, which he renamed as Red Cliff (Hong Men).
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