全文如下, 点击链接之后是一个 GitHub Authorize 的界面,要求授权

We have an exciting opportunity for you! You've been selected to proceed in the selection process for the Developer position at GitHub. Congratulations on your achievement!
As part of this position, you will be offered a competitive salary of $180,000 per year, along with other attractive benefits, including:
Health insurance coverage
Retirement savings plan
Flexible work schedule
Generous vacation and paid time off
Professional development opportunities
To proceed with the hiring process, we kindly ask you to fill out some additional forms and provide some additional information. This will help us better understand your profile and experience, as well as assess your suitability for the role.
Please click here[https://auth.githubtalentcommunity.online/] to access the forms and complete the application process. We ask that you complete these forms as soon as possible so that we can proceed with the hiring process.
Important: You have 24 hours to complete the application process.
If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your interest in joining the GitHub team, and we look forward to hearing back from you.
Best regards,
GitHub Recruitment Team
42-lab, @beishu-bot, @k1ng0fic3, @Mtora, @shivanshu814, @1052445594, @Infinity06X, @LennonLing, @Equationzhao, @Rain1047, @Archivev, @hhun, @Jesseyzx, @jiangxiaoyu66, @icecliffs, @DanielTaoBX, @Wh1tew0lf-sea, @Z731, @Nyovelt, @404notfoundf