LaTeX 报错有时候真感觉挺无力的

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论文写一半,latex 突然报错了,也没有加宏包什么的,后来发现模板也报错了,但之前都是好的。
19: Undefined control sequence. \ExplSyntaxOn
20: Undefined control sequence. \seq
20: Missing $ inserted. \seq_
20: Missing \begin{document}. \seq_
20: Undefined control sequence. \seq_new:N \g
20: Missing { inserted. \seq_new:N \g__
21: Undefined control sequence. \DeclareDocumentCommand
21: Undefined control sequence. \DeclareDocumentCommand \mathcolor
23: Undefined control sequence. \mode
23: \mathcolor allowed only in math mode. ...f_math:F { \non@alpherr {\mathcolor\space}
24: Undefined control sequence. \seq
24: Undefined control sequence. \seq_gpush:No \g
24: Missing { inserted. \seq_gpush:No \g__
25: Undefined control sequence. \group
25: Undefined control sequence. \group_insert_after:N \use
26: Undefined control sequence. \IfValueTF
26: You can't use `macro parameter character #' in math mode. \IfValueTF {#
26: Illegal parameter number in definition of \@@mod. \IfValueTF {#1} { \color[#1]{#2}
26: Undefined control sequence. \IfValueTF {#1} { \color[#1]{#2}
26: Package xcolor Error: Undefined color model `##1'. \IfValueTF {#1} { \color[#1]{#2}
26: Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. \IfValueTF {#1} { \color[#1]{#2} }
26: Illegal parameter number in definition of \XC@@tmp. ...lueTF {#1} { \color[#1]{#2} } { \color{#2}
26: Undefined control sequence. ...lueTF {#1} { \color[#1]{#2} } { \color{#2}
26: Missing number, treated as zero. ...lueTF {#1} { \color[#1]{#2} } { \color{#2}
26: Undefined control sequence. ...lueTF {#1} { \color[#1]{#2} } { \color{#2}
26: Undefined control sequence. ...lueTF {#1} { \color[#1]{#2} } { \color{#2}
26: Missing } inserted. ...lueTF {#1} { \color[#1]{#2} } { \color{#2}
26: Undefined control sequence. ...lueTF {#1} { \color[#1]{#2} } { \color{#2}
26: Package xcolor Error: Undefined color model `##1'. ...lueTF {#1} { \color[#1]{#2} } { \color{#2}
26: Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. ...eTF {#1} { \color[#1]{#2} } { \color{#2} }
27: You can't use `macro parameter character #' in math mode. #
29: Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. }
30: Undefined control sequence. \cs
32: Undefined control sequence. \peek
34: Undefined control sequence. \group
35: Undefined control sequence. \token
37: Missing $ inserted. \c_
37: Missing { inserted. \c_
38: Missing $ inserted. \c_
38: Missing { inserted. \c_
39: Extra }, or forgotten $. }
42: Undefined control sequence. \token
44: Limit controls must follow a math operator. \limits
44: Limit controls must follow a math operator. \limits { \limits
45: Limit controls must follow a math operator. \nolimits
45: Limit controls must follow a math operator. \nolimits { \nolimits
46: Limit controls must follow a math operator. \displaylimits
46: Limit controls must follow a math operator. ... \displaylimits { \displaylimits
49: Undefined control sequence. \group
50: Undefined control sequence. ... \__mathcolor_scan_for_scripts:w \use
53: Undefined control sequence. \token
56: Missing { inserted. \c
56: Missing $ inserted. \c_
56: Missing { inserted. \c_
57: Extra }, or forgotten $. ... \exp_after:wN \prim@s \use
57: Undefined control sequence. ... \exp_after:wN \prim@s \use
58: Extra }, or forgotten $. }
60: Undefined control sequence. \group
62: Undefined control sequence. \seq
62: Undefined control sequence. \seq_gpop:NN \g
62: Missing { inserted. \seq_gpop:NN \g__
65: Extra }, or forgotten $. }
66: Extra }, or forgotten $. }
67: Extra }, or forgotten $. }
68: Undefined control sequence. \cs
68: You can't use `macro parameter character #' in math mode. ...ected:Npn \__mathcolor_handle_scripts:Nw #
70: You can't use `macro parameter character #' in math mode. #
70: Missing $ inserted. #1 \c_
70: Missing { inserted. #1 \c_
70: Missing $ inserted. #1 \c_group_begin_token \c_
70: Missing { inserted. #1 \c_group_begin_token \c_
71: Undefined control sequence. \seq
71: Undefined control sequence. \seq_get:NN \g
71: Missing { inserted. \seq_get:NN \g__
73: Undefined control sequence. \group
73: Missing $ inserted. \group_insert_after:N \c_
73: Missing { inserted. \group_insert_after:N \c_
74: Undefined control sequence. \group
75: Undefined control sequence. \peek
77: Undefined control sequence. \token
77: Missing $ inserted. ...token_if_eq_meaning:NNTF \l_peek_token \c_
77: Missing { inserted. ...token_if_eq_meaning:NNTF \l_peek_token \c_
79: Undefined control sequence. \group
80: Undefined control sequence. \peek
80: Missing $ inserted. \peek_catcode_remove:NT \c_
80: Missing { inserted. \peek_catcode_remove:NT \c_
81: Extra }, or forgotten $. }
83: Undefined control sequence. \exp_after:wN \group
84: Undefined control sequence. \use
84: Missing $ inserted. \use_ii_i:nn \c_
84: Missing { inserted. \use_ii_i:nn \c_
85: Extra }, or forgotten $. }
86: Extra }, or forgotten $. }
87: Extra }, or forgotten $. }
88: Undefined control sequence. \ExplSyntaxOff
802: Missing $ inserted.
6: Missing } inserted. \begin{document}
6: Missing $ inserted. \begin{document}
6: Missing } inserted. \begin{document}
6: Missing } inserted. \begin{document}
: No journal specified, using default cha.
35: Command \l invalid in math mode
37: Command \c invalid in math mode
: You have requested, on input line 109, version `2018/09/10' of package pdftexcmds, but only version `2017/03/19 v0.25 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO)' is available.
根据最后一条我以为是 tex 或者 pdftex 或者 luatex 的版本问题,但我用的最新的 texlive2023 ,所有的宏包也是新的,然后即便我强制修改了 version 问题,其他的报错我也找不到解决方法。
TeX 3.141592653 (TeX Live 2023)
pdfTeX 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.25 (TeX Live 2023)
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.16.0 (TeX Live 2023)
环境设置也没有问题,overleaf 可以用,但是由于我文档太大了编译时间超过了免费版的时间,所以选择本地编译,也不应该这么难吧。。。
texhash && fmtutil-sys --all也试过了,没有用,包都是最新的。google 也搜不到相关资料,写一天论文 debug 半天也挺无力的。

undefined, sequence, control, inserted

GPT4 pro 试了吗?
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