VPS 莫名其妙收到一封滥用邮件 求大佬们分析

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这台机器也就搭了代理 其他什么也没干
邮件说服务器攻击了一个泉州电信的 IP 而且是 DNS 的 53 端口
虽然用的电信 但是我也不在福建 大佬们能分析下这是什么问题吗
附 abuse 报告
To assist you, we have taken the following actions:
Region: us-west-2
Instance Id Remote IP Port Protocol Action Taken * 6 Outgoing Port 53 Blocked (protocol TCP)
Details of the abusive activity:
Amazon resource identifier:
Report begin time: 2024-01-08 11:51:17 UTC
Report end time: 2024-01-08 11:51:48 UTC
Remote IP/Ports: 53 Protocol: TCP
Total Gbits sent: 4.174755552
Total packets sent: 359397
Total Gbits received: 0.0
Total packets received: 0
Average Gbits/sec sent: 0.1347
Average Packets/sec sent: 11,593.45
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