六⼤策略 01:「知道⾃⼰要什么,就展开说说」🎯
1.1 你越讲细节,输出就越好 📝
怎么往 excel ⾥加数字❓
1.2 搞⻆⾊扮演,⼀直很好⽤ 🎭
Persona 这个词在拉丁语⾥的原义是“⾯具”。可以看作是模型采取的特定⻆⾊或⻛格,就像戴上了⼀种特定的“社交⾯具”,通过这种“⾯具”来与⽤⼾交流。所以 Persona 不⼀定是:XX ⼈(⽐如:贾斯汀⽐伯)、XX 职业(⽐如:⼀个中学⽼师)。也可以是⼀种“⻛格”。例如正式、幽默、友好等。🎩👒
ChatGPT 有⼀个默认的 SYSTEM Prompt:You are a helpful assistant. 🤖
“⼀个乐于助⼈的助⼿” 也就是 ChatGPT 默认的“⾯具”/“⻆⾊”,所以它会尽⼒帮你解决提出的问题。🔧
你可以在 Playground 或者像 Knit 这样的⼯具⾥⾯修改这个 SYSTEM Message。然后把你正常情况下要提的问题写在 USER ⾥⾯。这是⼀种进阶的提⽰词⽤法。💡
上⾯的 Prompt,放在 GPT-4 ⾥输出的结果:
Dear [Vendor's Name],
We wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt thanks to you and your team. You guys really bolted into action when we needed you the most! 🚀
Your recent delivery arrived faster than a lightning bolt, much to our delight. It's safe to say we were shocked, but in the most pleasant way possible. We had been walking on eggshells (or should we say, on steel bolts!) until we saw your delivery truck pull up. 🚚💨
It came in a nick of time, just when we were about to start a major project. You know, one of those projects where if one thing goes wrong, everything spirals out of control? It's like building a house of cards, but with steel bolts and a lot of sweat! 🏠🔩
Your timely delivery made it possible for us to meet our deadline and make our client happy, which, let's be honest, is a task more challenging than trying to find a needle in a haystack. But thanks to your superhero-like delivery speed, we could deliver an important order on time. 🦸♂️⏱️
So, here&039;t ask for anything more. You've truly set a high bar... or should we say a high bolt? 🙏🔩
Jokes aside, we are truly grateful for your service and we look forward to more such electrifying performances from your team in the future! ⚡🔮
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name] ✍️
System 的设定⾥,要求尽可能地开玩笑,让收到邮件的供应商感觉到幽默和放松。邮件正⽂⾥就⽤了⾄少两处双关和⼀处⽐喻:🎉
1. "You guys really bolted into action when we needed you the most!" "Your recent delivery arrived faster than a lightning bolt..." 这⾥两句话,笑点在于双关。因为“bolt”(螺栓),是供应商提供的产品,同时在英语⾥是多义词,另⼀种常⻅含义是"闪电"。所以这⾥说“⽐闪电(螺栓)还快”,是在⽤⼀种夸张的⽅式赞美他们的快速交付。🔩⚡
2. "Your service was tighter than the threads on your bolts..." 这句的意思是,你们的服务⽐你们螺栓的螺纹还要紧密..." 赞扬供应商的服务质量,同时也开了个玩笑。🔩👌