请问有人用 Ghelper 吗?有一个网站无法访问,有解决办法吗?

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大家好,请问有人用,Ghelpe (谷歌上网助手吗?)
We have been having distributed denial of service attacks done against our site on a regular basis. We have also
blocked a number of countries due to fraud and phishing attacks against people using the site. br> If you are seeing
this message, you may be trying to connect to the site on a proxy/tor/vpn node that has attacked the site in the
recent past.
Please wait a few seconds and then try to refresh the page, if you still get this message, please try to connect
through another vpn node.
If you're not using a vpn node, we have gradually improved our security systems and we expect to be opening up to
the world very soon.
请问在这种状况下,可以通过设置 Ghelpe ,实现,访问不能访问的网站吗?
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