Google Domains最后拉满机会

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监管机构已经批准,Google Domains的域名近期就会被转到Squarespace的平台。
还想在Google Domains续费的得赶紧了!
Squarespace is the registrar of record for your domain. However, Google will manage your domain during a transition period, and Google's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service will apply during that period. Your customer and billing information, if applicable, will subsequently be transferred to Squarespace. Upon transfer, your data will be governed by Squarespace's Privacy Policy and Squarespace's Terms of Service will apply. More information can be found here.
To learn more about Squarespace Domains and Squarespace's plans, visit the Squarespace Domains page.
Squarespace 是您域名的记录注册商。 不过,Google 将在过渡期内管理您的域,并且 Google 的隐私政策和服务条款将在此期间适用。 您的客户和账单信息(如果适用)随后将转移到 Squarespace。 传输后,您的数据将受 Squarespace 隐私政策和 Squarespace 服务条款的约束。 更多信息可以在这里找到。
要了解有关 Squarespace Domains 和 Squarespace 计划的更多信息,请访问 Squarespace Domains 页面。

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我的卡都不给续费,一直报错哎。  买域名没问题。。。
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