Dear MJJ,
This is a notice that an invoice has been generated on 08/22/2023.
Your payment method is: Alipay
Invoice #MJJ
Amount Due: $10.20 USD
Due Date: 09/21/2023
Invoice Items
Pro+ LITE - MJJ-VM (09/21/2023 - 09/20/2024) $40.80 USD
優惠代碼: LEB83BF2018 - 75.00% 循環出帳 折扣 $-30.60 USD
小計: $10.20 USD
帳戶餘額: $0.00 USD
合計: $10.20 USD
You can login to your client area to view and pay the invoice at https://billing.胖子.com/viewinvoice.php?id=1000006. If you no longer require this service, please put in a cancellation request to ensure you are not charged and do not incurr any late fees or future e-mails requesting you pay the invoice. Please ignore this e-mail if you have a recurring payment set up, as that may result in an overpayment, which will be counted as a non-refundable deposit.
Virtual Machine Solutions LLC
Support Team
Please DO NOT reply to this e-mail. Use our ticket system directly.