喜获Onboarding to Azure OpenAI Service

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2个月前提交的Azure OpenAI申请,回信让我提交证明文件:
Good news! Your application has passed initial gating criteria. We just need some additional information from you in order to verify your eligibility, specifically regarding your company’s physical address and web domain. After we get you verified, we'll be able to move forward to completing your application.
There are two ways that you can verify your company's domain and physical address. Please reply back to this email with either screenshots of your Partner Center profile or attach your supporting documents.
今天给我发邮件Onboarding to Azure OpenAI Service 了:
Onboarding to Azure OpenAI Service
Congratulations!  After reviewing your application, we are pleased to inform you that you have been onboarded to the Azure OpenAI Service.
As provided in the terms, you may only use this service for the use case provided in your application.

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