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Hello Yuheng,
This email is being sent to customers with a VPS in our Tokyo, JP location. Starting March 1st, 2023 we will be changing our bandwidth allocations for Tokyo plans. This is simply due to a few factors which we cannot change or work around.
- Tokyo is our highest cost location for us, mainly due to bandwidth usage and the high performance hardware we use, unlike other hosting options in this location.
- We did not anticipate the extremely high bandwidth use in this location by users. Since opening this location, it's had consistently higher usage than any location.
- The network provider we use in this location changed their own bandwidth policy for us, which causes us to not be able to offer high bandwidth for free anymore.
Because of this, we will be changing bandwidth in Tokyo to 1TB monthly bandwidth (traffic) per 1GB RAM you have. This means if you have a 1GB RAM VPS, you will have 1TB monthly bandwidth. If you have a 4GB RAM VPS you will have 4TB monthly bandwidth and so on. Once you surpass your monthly bandwidth limit your VPS will be limited to roughly 10 Mbps.
If you require more, additional high speed bandwidth past your plan allocation can be added for $3.60 USD per 1TB.
These bandwidth changes will only affect less than 5% of customers, and will allow us to continue expanding in this location in the future.
Thanks for choosing us as your hosting provider.
- 东京是我们成本最高的地方,主要是由于带宽的使用和我们使用的高性能硬件,与这个地方的其他托管选择不同。
- 我们没有预料到用户在这个地点的带宽使用量极高。自从开设这个地点以来,它的使用率一直高于任何地点。
- 我们在这个地方使用的网络供应商为我们改变了他们自己的带宽政策,这导致我们不能再免费提供高带宽。
如果您需要更多,超过您的计划分配的额外高速带宽可以以每1TB 3.60美元添加。

带宽, 东京, 您的

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