Soheil Golestanipanah's Mother is dead
买前促销闪购 | Promotion flash purchase before you buy
买后删号删鸡 | No service is provided after purchase and the account is deleted
你喜欢暂停机器 | You like suspended
开工单就性欲不佳 | Tickets=Not in good standing
想解封还要交25刀 | 25 dollars to unseal
圣经咏唱 | A poem for VIRMACH
一个账号一个鸡 | One chicken per account
付款只能用批批 | PayPal payments only
超过伍刀别买鸡 | Don't buy if above five dollars
判定停权就争议 | Dispute if account restricted
白**半年免费鸡 | free chicken for half year
删号删鸡不扎心 | No worries if account or chicken deleted
不买黄牛溢价鸡 | Don't buy overpriced chicken from scalpers
无脑直冲是傻逼 | Stupid people buy without thinking