[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码import os
from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Inches
from docx.shared import Pt
from docx.shared import Cm
#创建一个函数,将文档中所有的图片保存到images文件夹下,图片名以图片的embed属性值命名(即 rId 命名)
def extract_and_save_images_from_docx(doc_path):
# 加载文档
doc = Document(doc_path)
# 创建用于存储图片的文件夹
image_folder = 'images'
if not os.path.exists(image_folder):
# 获取文档中的所有图片
def find_images(document):
images = []
rels = document.part.rels
for rel in rels.values():
if 'image' in rel.reltype:
image_part = rel.target_part
embed_id = rel.rId
images.append((image_part, embed_id))
return images
# 保存图片
image_list = find_images(doc)
for i, (image_part, embed_id) in enumerate(image_list):
image_filename = f'{embed_id}.png'
image_path = os.path.join(image_folder, image_filename)
with open(image_path, 'wb') as f:
print("Images extracted and saved successfully.")
#创建分化文档的函数,新文件名以 标号+标题名命名 ,标号每次匹配到标题自动 +1
def extract_images_from_docx(doc_path):
# 加载文档
doc = Document(doc_path)
# 创建新文档
new_doc = Document()
doc = Document(doc_path)
current_title = None
current_index = 1
new_doc = None
# 创建用于存储文档的文件夹
file_folder = '零散'
if not os.path.exists(file_folder):
# 遍历段落
for paragraph in doc.paragraphs:
if paragraph.style.name.startswith('Heading'): #判断是否是标题
if new_doc is not None:
file_name = str(current_index) +current_title + '.docx'
file_path = os.path.join(file_folder, file_name)
#new_doc.save(f'{current_index}{current_title}.docx') # 文件名加上序号和标题名命名,每次遇到新标题序号 +1 (注意:文件名长度可能受到操作系统的限制,导致读取失败,有相关问题修改下标题名)
current_index += 1
current_title = paragraph.text
new_doc = Document()
new_doc.add_paragraph(paragraph.text, style=paragraph.style.name)
elif new_doc is not None:
new_paragraph = new_doc.add_paragraph(paragraph.text, style='Normal')
# 遍历段落中的运行元素
for run in paragraph.runs:
# 获取运行元素的XML表示
run_xml = run._r
# 检查是否包含图片
if '' in run_xml.xml:
print("found an image1")
# 解析图片信息
image_start = run_xml.xml.find('')
image_end = run_xml.xml.find('') + len('')
image_xml = run_xml.xml[image_start:image_end]
# 获取关联标识符
image_id_start = image_xml.find('r:embed="') + len('r:embed="')
image_id_end = image_xml.find('"', image_id_start)
image_id = image_xml[image_id_start:image_id_end]
image_path = 'images/'+ image_id +'.png'
print("image_path=" + image_path)
new_paragraph.add_run().add_picture(image_path, width=Inches(5))
if not new_paragraph.runs: # 如果段落中没有图片,则添加原文本内容
new_paragraph.text = paragraph.text
# 保存新文档
if new_doc is not None:
file_name = str(current_index) + current_title + '.docx'
file_path = os.path.join(file_folder, file_name)
# 使用示例
extract_images_from_docx('pp2.docx') #替换你要分化的文档
最开始是打算直接用run._element.tag.endswith('drawing'): 来检测段落中是否包含图片的,可惜一直检测不出来。后来想到文档的xml中图片的embed的值是唯一,故先把原始文档的所有图片先导出一份,启用embed 的值作为图片名;最后通过检测run._r.xml检测run中是否包含来检测是否有图片,并且提取的其中的embed的值,再将对应图片添加进去。