import random
class Plant:
def __init__(self, name, direct_damage, penetration_damage, attack_frequency): = name
self.direct_damage = direct_damage
self.penetration_damage = penetration_damage
self.attack_frequency = attack_frequency
self.last_attack_time = 0 # 上次攻击的时间
self.cumulative_damage = 0 # 初始化累计伤害为0
def can_attack(self, time):
# 检查植物是否到了攻击时间
return (time - self.last_attack_time) >= self.attack_frequency
def attack(self, zombies, time):
# 植物攻击僵尸
attacked_zombies = [] # 用于存储被攻击的僵尸
if zombies and zombies[0].is_alive(): # 确保有僵尸并且最前面的僵尸还活着
front_zombie = zombies[0] -= self.direct_damage
self.cumulative_damage += self.direct_damage # 更新累计伤害
print(f"At time {time} second, {} attacks and reduces the front zombie health to {}. Cumulative damage: {self.cumulative_damage}")
# 如果有穿透伤害并且最前面的僵尸还活着,对所有僵尸造成伤害
if self.penetration_damage > 0:
total_penetration_damage = 0 # 初始化穿透伤害总和
for zombie in zombies:
if zombie.is_alive(): -= self.penetration_damage
total_penetration_damage += self.penetration_damage
self.cumulative_damage += total_penetration_damage # 更新累计伤害
f" - Additional penetration damage of {total_penetration_damage} to all zombies. New cumulative damage: {self.cumulative_damage}")
print(f"{} attacks at time {time}:")
for zombie in attacked_zombies:
print(f" - {zombie.__class__.__name__} health: {}")
self.last_attack_time = time # 使用传入的 time 参数重置攻击时间
class Zombie:
def __init__(self, health): = health
def is_alive(self):
return > 0
def die(self, zombies):
# 僵尸死亡时从列表中移除自己
if not self.is_alive():
def simulate_battle(plants, zombies):
time = 0
while zombies: # 只要还有僵尸,就继续战斗
time += 1
for plant in plants:
if plant.can_attack(time):
plant.attack(zombies, time) # 传递当前时间给 attack 方法
# 攻击后检查是否有僵尸死亡,并从列表中移除
for zombie in list(zombies): # 使用列表的副本来避免在迭代时修改列表
if not zombie.is_alive():
break # 移除一个僵尸后跳出循环,避免索引错误
print(f"Time step: {time}")
print("Zombie healths:", [ for zombie in zombies if zombie.is_alive()])
print(f"\nAll zombies have been defeated after {time} time steps.")
# 初始化植物
hamburger = Plant(name="hamburger", direct_damage=random.randint(160, 640), penetration_damage=0, attack_frequency=2.5)
watermelon = Plant(name="watermelon", direct_damage=80, penetration_damage=20, attack_frequency=1.5)
pea = Plant(name="pea", direct_damage=240, penetration_damage=0, attack_frequency=2)
cactus = Plant(name="cactus", direct_damage=0, penetration_damage=120, attack_frequency=2.5)
# 初始化僵尸
zombies = [Zombie(health=10000) for _ in range(2)]
# 模拟战斗
simulate_battle([hamburger, watermelon, pea, cactus], zombies)