时隔(好像是9天吧)我终于做出了一个“残缺”的程序( )
Mac版:[ol]from tkinter import *from tkinter.font import Font# from tkinter.ttk import *from tkinter import messagebox as mgimport timeimport threadingimport socketdef center_window(root, width, height): """ 窗口居中代码 """ screenwidth = root.winfo_screenwidth() # 获取显示屏宽度 screenheight = root.winfo_screenheight() # 获取显示屏高度 size = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % (width, height, (screenwidth - width) / 2, (screenheight - height) / 2) # 设置窗口居中参数 root.geometry(size) # 让窗口居中显示def fasong(*args): time.sleep(0.1) # re_data = input(">>") re_data = send_entry.get("1.0", END)[:-1] if 'exit' == re_data: # 判断是否退出 client.send(("Q "+ username).encode()) # 发送退出的请求 client.close() elif (re_data != " \n" and re_data != "\n" and re_data != "" and re_data != " "): # 判断内容不为空 client.send(("C " + username + ": " + re_data).encode()) time_ = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # 以下为自己说的话 chat_text.config(state=NORMAL) f1 = Font(size=10) chat_text.tag_config("tag_3", font=f1, foreground="grey") chat_text.insert(END, time_, "tag_3") # 发送时间 chat_text.insert(END, "\n") f = Font(size=15) chat_text.tag_config("tag_41", font=f, foreground="#808080") chat_text.insert(END, username + ":", "tag_41") # 发送文本内容 chat_text.insert(END, "\n") f = Font(size=14) chat_text.tag_config("tag_4", font=f, foreground="#2E8B57") chat_text.insert(END, re_data, "tag_4") # 发送文本内容 chat_text.insert(END, "\n") chat_text.config(state=DISABLED) chat_text.see("end") # 转到最后一行 # send_entry.first() # send_entry.delete(0.1,2.0) # 设置发送为空 # send_entry.insert('1 wordstart' , "s") # time.sleep(0.1) send_entry.delete("0.0", END) # 设置发送为空def fa_(*args): fasong() # send_entry.delete("0.0", END) # 设置发送为空 return 'break'def jieshou(): while True: # time.sleep(0.3) try: data = client.recv(1024) res = data.decode() if(res != ''): # print("1") if (res.split(" ", 2)[0]=="C"): # 如果为聊天的请求 # print(res.split(" ", 1)[0]) # print(res.split(" ", 1)[1]) # print(res) time_ = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') chat_text.config(state=NORMAL) f1 = Font(size=10) chat_text.tag_config("tag_1", font=f1, foreground="grey") chat_text.insert(END, time_, "tag_1") chat_text.insert(END, "\n") f = Font(size=15) chat_text.tag_config("tag", font=f, foreground="#808080") chat_text.insert(END, res.split(" ", 2)[1], "tag") chat_text.insert(END, "\n") f = Font(size=14) chat_text.tag_config("tag_2", font=f) chat_text.insert(END, res.split(" ", 2)[2], "tag_2") chat_text.insert(END, "\n") chat_text.config(state=DISABLED) chat_text.see("end") elif(res.split(" ", 1)[0]=="R"): # 在线用户请求 afd = False print(res.split(" ", 1)[1]) for kk in range(0, online_user.size()): # 循环判断在线列表里是否有用户名 if online_user.get(kk) == (res.split(" ", 1)[1]): # 检测到是 afd = True # 判断变量为真 break # 退出 if (afd == False): # 如果判断变量为假 online_user.insert(END,res.split(" ", 1)[1]) # 插入用户名 elif(res.split(" ", 1)[0]=="E"): # 退出请求 for kk in range(0, online_user.size()): # 循环判断要删除的用户名 if online_user.get(kk) == (res.split(" ", 1)[1]): online_user.delete(kk) # 从在线列表去除 break # else: # continue except Exception as e: print(e) print("客户端已退出") #breakdef send(): """ 发送文字 """ global username username = username_string.get() # 用户名变量 # time.sleep(3) if __name__ == "__main__": # print("Welcome to Gouzi WD Chat") # print(username) #注册业务 while True: # username=input("请输入用户名") if ' ' not in username and username != " " and username != "": # 判断用户名不为空 client.send(("R "+username + " " + password_string.get()+"\n").encode()) # 发送注册请求 data=client.recv(2048).decode() # 最大接受字节 if data=="OK": # 如果穿回信息为 “OK” break else: mg.showerror("", "用户名不能为空,请强制退出后重新进入") # 用户名如果为空,发出警告 try: # 创建一个新的线程 new_thread = threading.Thread(target=jieshou, name="T1") # 启动新线程 new_thread.start() new_thread1 = threading.Thread(target=fasong, name="T2") # 启动新线程 new_thread1.start() except: client.close()def insert_newline(*args): send_entry.insert("insert", "\n") return "break"def main(): """ 加入聊天后界面 """ global chat_text, send_msg, online_user, send_entry root = Toplevel() root.title("聊天界面") center_window(root, 800, 500) send_msg = StringVar() """ —————————————————————————— 查收文件text开始 """ frame = Frame(root) = 20, y = 20) gun_song_tiao_y = Scrollbar(frame) gun_song_tiao_x = Scrollbar(frame, orient=HORIZONTAL) chat_text = Text(frame, height=20, width=60, wrap='none', relief=GROOVE, state=DISABLED, font=('微软雅黑', 14))#, state=DISABLED gun_song_tiao_y.pack(side=RIGHT,fill=Y) gun_song_tiao_x.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) chat_text.pack() gun_song_tiao_y.config(command=chat_text.yview) gun_song_tiao_x.config(command=chat_text.xview) chat_text.config(yscrollcommand=gun_song_tiao_y.set) chat_text.config(xscrollcommand=gun_song_tiao_x.set) """ 查收文件区域text结束 —————————————————————————— """ send_entry = Text(root, width=70, height=6) # 发送区域, y=390) send_button = Button(root, text="发送", command=fa_) # 发送按钮, y=390) send_entry.bind("", fa_) send_entry.bind("", insert_newline) Label(root, text="在线列表", font=("微软雅黑", 18)).place(x=600, y=20) online_user = Listbox(root, height=25), y=50) # online_user.insert(END, username_string.get())def help(): """ 帮助界面 """ mg.showerror("暂无", "NONE")def if_login(*args): main() send()def if_res(): passdef login(): """注册/登陆""" global username_string global username_string, password_string global client root = Tk() center_window(root, 400, 300) # 实现页面居中 root.title("Gouzi WD在线聊天室") # 标题 client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) client.connect(('', 80)) username_string = StringVar() # 存储用户名变量 password_string = StringVar() # 密码存储变量 Label(root, text="登陆界面", font=("微软雅黑", 20)).place(x=130, y=30) # 表头 Label(root, text="用户名:", font=("微软雅黑", 14)).place(x=10, y=100) # 用户名一栏 username = Entry(root, textvariable=username_string) #用户名Entry, y=100) Label(root, text="密码:", font=("微软雅黑", 14)).place(x=10, y=150) # 密码一栏 password = Entry(root, textvariable=password_string, show="*") # 密码Entry, y=150) username.bind("", if_login) password.bind("", if_login) join_button = Button(root, text="登陆", command=if_login, font=("微软雅黑", 12)) # 进入聊天界面按钮, y=200) res_button = Button(root, text="注册", command=if_res, font=("微软雅黑", 12)) # 注册, y=200) # if_login() root.mainloop()login()# def login(): # """# 登陆界面,也是初始界面# """# root = Tk()# center_window(root, 400, 500) # 实现页面居中# root.title("Gouzi WD在线聊天室") # 标题# username_string = StringVar() # 存储用户名变量# ip_string = StringVar() # ip存储变量# password_string = StringVar() # 密码存储变量# Label(root, text="初始界面", font=("微软雅黑", 20)).place(x=130, y=30) # 表头# Label(root, text="用户名:", font=("微软雅黑", 14)).place(x=10, y=100) # 用户名一栏# username = Entry(root, textvariable=username_string) #用户名Entry#, y=100)# Label(root, text="ip:", font=("微软雅黑", 14)).place(x=10, y=150) # ip一栏# ip = Entry(root, textvariable=ip_string) #ipEntry#, y=150)# Label(root, text="ip密码(选填):", font=("微软雅黑", 14)).place(x=10, y=200) # 密码一栏# password = Entry(root, textvariable=password_string) # 密码Entry#, y=200)# Label(root, text="预留位:", font=("微软雅黑", 14)).place(x=10, y=250) # 预留一栏# password = Entry(root) # 预留Entry#, y=250)# join_button = Button(root, text="进入", command=join, font=("微软雅黑", 12)) # 进入聊天界面按钮#, y=300)# help_button = Button(root, text="帮助", font=("微软雅黑", 9), command=help) # 帮助按钮#, y=350)# # join()# root.mainloop()Windows版:[code]from tkinter import *from tkinter.font import Font# from tkinter.ttk import *from tkinter import messagebox as mgimport timeimport threadingimport socketdef center_window(root, width, height): """ 窗口居中代码 """ screenwidth = root.winfo_screenwidth() # 获取显示屏宽度 screenheight = root.winfo_screenheight() # 获取显示屏高度 size = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % (width, height, (screenwidth - width) / 2, (screenheight - height) / 2) # 设置窗口居中参数 root.geometry(size) # 让窗口居中显示def fasong(*args): time.sleep(0.1) # re_data = input(">>") re_data = send_entry.get("1.0", END)[:-1] if 'exit' == re_data: # 判断是否退出 client.send(("Q "+ username).encode()) # 发送退出的请求 client.close() elif (re_data != " \n" and re_data != "\n" and re_data != "" and re_data != " "): # 判断内容不为空 client.send(("C " + username + ": " + re_data).encode()) time_ = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # 以下为自己说的话 chat_text.config(state=NORMAL) #f1 = Font("微软雅黑", 8) chat_text.tag_config("tag_3", font=("微软雅黑", 9), foreground="grey") chat_text.insert(END, time_, "tag_3") # 发送时间 chat_text.insert(END, "\n") #f = Font("微软雅黑", 13) chat_text.tag_config("tag_41", font=("微软雅黑", 14), foreground="#808080") chat_text.insert(END, username + ":", "tag_41") # 发送文本内容 chat_text.insert(END, "\n") #f = Font("微软雅黑", 12) chat_text.tag_config("tag_4", font=("微软雅黑", 13), foreground="#2E8B57") chat_text.insert(END, re_data, "tag_4") # 发送文本内容 chat_text.insert(END, "\n") chat_text.config(state=DISABLED) chat_text.see("end") # 转到最后一行 # send_entry.first() # send_entry.delete(0.1,2.0) # 设置发送为空 # send_entry.insert('1 wordstart' , "s") # time.sleep(0.1) send_entry.delete("0.0", END) # 设置发送为空def fa_(*args): fasong() # send_entry.delete("0.0", END) # 设置发送为空 return 'break'def jieshou(): while True: # time.sleep(0.3) try: data = client.recv(1024) res = data.decode() if(res != ''): # print("1") if (res.split(" ", 2)[0]=="C"): # 如果为聊天的请求 # print(res.split(" ", 1)[0]) # print(res.split(" ", 1)[1]) # print(res) time_ = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') chat_text.config(state=NORMAL) #f1 = Font("微软雅黑", 10) chat_text.tag_config("tag_1", font=("微软雅黑", 9), foreground="grey") chat_text.insert(END, time_, "tag_1") chat_text.insert(END, "\n") #f = Font("微软雅黑", 13) chat_text.tag_config("tag", font=("微软雅黑", 14), foreground="#808080") chat_text.insert(END, res.split(" ", 2)[1], "tag") chat_text.insert(END, "\n") #f = Font("微软雅黑", 12) chat_text.tag_config("tag_2", font=("微软雅黑", 13)) chat_text.insert(END, res.split(" ", 2)[2], "tag_2") chat_text.insert(END, "\n") chat_text.config(state=DISABLED) chat_text.see("end") elif(res.split(" ", 1)[0]=="R"): # 在线用户请求 afd = False print(res.split(" ", 1)[1]) for kk in range(0, online_user.size()): # 循环判断在线列表里是否有用户名 if online_user.get(kk) == (res.split(" ", 1)[1]): # 检测到是 afd = True # 判断变量为真 break # 退出 if (afd == False): # 如果判断变量为假 online_user.insert(END,res.split(" ", 1)[1]) # 插入用户名 elif(res.split(" ", 1)[0]=="E"): # 退出请求 for kk in range(0, online_user.size()): # 循环判断要删除的用户名 if online_user.get(kk) == (res.split(" ", 1)[1]): online_user.delete(kk) # 从在线列表去除 break # else: # continue except Exception as e: print(e) print("客户端已退出") #breakdef send(): """ 发送文字 """ global username username = username_string.get() # 用户名变量 # time.sleep(3) if __name__ == "__main__": # print("Welcome to Gouzi WD Chat") # print(username) #注册业务 while True: # username=input("请输入用户名") if ' ' not in username and username != " " and username != "": # 判断用户名不为空 client.send(("R "+username + " " + password_string.get()+"\n").encode()) # 发送注册请求 data=client.recv(2048).decode() # 最大接受字节 if data=="OK": # 如果穿回信息为 “OK” break else: mg.showerror("", "用户名不能为空,请强制退出后重新进入") # 用户名如果为空,发出警告 try: # 创建一个新的线程 new_thread = threading.Thread(target=jieshou, name="T1") # 启动新线程 new_thread.start() new_thread1 = threading.Thread(target=fasong, name="T2") # 启动新线程 new_thread1.start() except: client.close()def insert_newline(*args): send_entry.insert("insert", "\n") return "break"def main(): """ 加入聊天后界面 """ global chat_text, send_msg, online_user, send_entry root = Toplevel() root.title("聊天界面") center_window(root, 800, 500) send_msg = StringVar() """ —————————————————————————— 查收文件text开始 """ frame = Frame(root) = 20, y = 20) gun_song_tiao_y = Scrollbar(frame) gun_song_tiao_x = Scrollbar(frame, orient=HORIZONTAL) chat_text = Text(frame, height=14, width=50, wrap='none', relief=GROOVE, state=DISABLED, font=('微软雅黑', 14))#, state=DISABLED gun_song_tiao_y.pack(side=RIGHT,fill=Y) gun_song_tiao_x.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) chat_text.pack() gun_song_tiao_y.config(command=chat_text.yview) gun_song_tiao_x.config(command=chat_text.xview) chat_text.config(yscrollcommand=gun_song_tiao_y.set) chat_text.config(xscrollcommand=gun_song_tiao_x.set) """ 查收文件区域text结束 —————————————————————————— """ send_entry = Text(root, width=70, height=6) # 发送区域, y=390) send_button = Button(root, text="发送", command=fa_) # 发送按钮, y=390) send_entry.bind("", fa_) send_entry.bind("", insert_newline) Label(root, text="在线列表", font=("微软雅黑", 18)).place(x=600, y=20) online_user = Listbox(root, height=20), y=50) # online_user.insert(END, username_string.get())def help(): """ 帮助界面 """ mg.showerror("暂无", "NONE")def if_login(*args): main() send()def if_res(): passdef login(): """注册/登陆""" global username_string global username_string, password_string global client root = Tk() center_window(root, 400, 300) # 实现页面居中 root.title("Gouzi WD在线聊天室") # 标题 client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) client.connect(('', 80)) username_string = StringVar() # 存储用户名变量 password_string = StringVar() # 密码存储变量 Label(root, text="登陆界面", font=("微软雅黑", 20)).place(x=130, y=30) # 表头 Label(root, text="用户名:", font=("微软雅黑", 14)).place(x=10, y=100) # 用户名一栏 username = Entry(root, textvariable=username_string) #用户名Entry, y=100) Label(root, text="密码:", font=("微软雅黑", 14)).place(x=10, y=150) # 密码一栏 password = Entry(root, textvariable=password_string) # 密码Entry, y=150) username.bind("", if_login) password.bind("", if_login) join_button = Button(root, text="登陆", command=if_login, font=("微软雅黑", 12)) # 进入聊天界面按钮, y=200) res_button = Button(root, text="注册", command=if_res, font=("微软雅黑", 12)) # 注册, y=200) # if_login() root.mainloop()login()# def login(): # """# 登陆界面,也是初始界面# """# root = Tk()# center_window(root, 400, 500) # 实现页面居中# root.title("Gouzi WD在线聊天室") # 标题# username_string = StringVar() # 存储用户名变量# ip_string = StringVar() # ip存储变量# password_string = StringVar() # 密码存储变量# Label(root, text="初始界面", font=("微软雅黑", 20)).place(x=130, y=30) # 表头# Label(root, text="用户名:", font=("微软雅黑", 14)).place(x=10, y=100) # 用户名一栏# username = Entry(root, textvariable=username_string) #用户名Entry#, y=100)# Label(root, text="ip:", font=("微软雅黑", 14)).place(x=10, y=150) # ip一栏# ip = Entry(root, textvariable=ip_string) #ipEntry#, y=150)# Label(root, text="ip密码(选填):", font=("微软雅黑", 14)).place(x=10, y=200) # 密码一栏# password = Entry(root, textvariable=password_string) # 密码Entry#, y=200)# Label(root, text="预留位:", font=("微软雅黑", 14)).place(x=10, y=250) # 预留一栏# password = Entry(root) # 预留Entry#, y=250)# join_button = Button(root, text="进入", command=join, font=("微软雅黑", 12)) # 进入聊天界面按钮#, y=300)# help_button = Button(root, text="帮助", font=("微软雅黑", 9), command=help) # 帮助按钮#, y=350)# # join()# root.mainloop()[/ol]复制代码四.服务端代码
[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码from socket import *
import threading
import time
BUFLEN = 2048
username = {}
# Note=open('后台记录.txt',mode='w')
def deal(dataSocket, addr):
while True:
recved = dataSocket.recv(BUFLEN) # 最大接收字节
info = recved.decode() # 接受的消息
# 如果返回空bytes,表示对方关闭了连接
# 退出循环,结束消息收发
if len(info)==0: # 如果接受的消息长度为0
for key, k in list(user.items()): # 便利user的键-值对 key为键, k为值
if k == dataSocket: # 如果便利到的值与当前连接的数据一致
del user[key] # 删除掉这个值
if key == "" or key == " ": # 如果key为空(为了预防用户名传来为空客户端的在线列表无法显示,所以将“ ”改为“空”)
for ka in user: # 遍历user,发送退出的消息
user[ka].send(("空" + "已退出群聊").encode())
user[ka].send(("E " + "空").encode()) # 传回用户名为“空”的退出了群聊
else: # 如果不为空
for ka in user: # 一样的操作,只不过是传回原本的用户名
user[ka].send((key + "已退出群聊").encode())
user[ka].send(("E " + key).encode())
elif info.split(' ',1)[0]=="R": # 如果请求为注册
user_text = open("./user_text.txt", mode="r")
lines = user_text.readlines()
if len(info.split(' ',2))==1: # 没看懂(
elif info.split(' ',2)[1] in user: # 如果这个用户名已经在user里了
dataSocket.send("No".encode()) # 拒接注册
elif " " in info.split(' ',2)[1] and " " in info.split(' ',2)[0]: # 如果用户名为空,拒绝注册(好像并没有起作用)
for user_len in range(0, len(lines)):
if (lines[user_len].split(" ", 1)[0] == info.split(' ',2)[1] and lines[user_len].split(" ", 1)[1] == info.split(' ',2)[2]):
if (info.split(' ',2)[1] == " " or info.split(' ',2)[1] == ""): # 如果用户名为空,传回“空”
user[info.split(' ',2)[1]]=dataSocket # 像user字典里添加新的键-值对
dataSocket.send("OK".encode()) # 传回ok
for ll in user: # 遍历user,传回用户名
if (user[ll] == user[ll]): # 没卵用
for key in user.keys():
user[ll].send("R 空".encode())
# Note.write("R 空")
else: # 与if一样的操作,只不过用户名不为空
user[info.split(' ',2)[1]]=dataSocket
for ll in user:
if (user[ll] == user[ll]):
for key in user.keys():
ppp = "R " + key
# Note.write(ppp)
elif info.split(maxsplit=1)[0]=="C": # 如果请求是聊天
print(info.split(maxsplit=1)[1], end=" ") # 在服务端打印聊天信息
print(addr, end= " ") # 在服务端打印ip地址
print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) # 在服务端打印时间
for k in user: # 遍历user
if (user[k] != dataSocket): # 发送至所有人(除了自己)
fs = "C " + info.split(' ',1)[1] # 聊天内容
user[k].send(fs.encode()) # 发送聊天内容
# Note.write(fs)
elif info.split(' ',1)[0]=="Q": # 判断如果用户输入了exit的退出(好像不起作用)
del user[info.split(' ',1)[1]] # 删除这个用户
if user[info.split(' ',1)[1]] == " " or user[info.split(' ',1)[1]] == "": # 如果用户名为空
k.send(("空"+"已退出群聊").encode()) # 传回空退出了群聊
k.send("E " + "空".encode()) # 返回空
k.send((info.split(' ',1)[1]+"已退出群聊").encode()) # 一样的操作,只不过用户名不为空
k.send(("E " + info.split(' ',1)[1]).encode())
# 发送的数据类型必须是bytes,所以要编码
# dataSocket.send(f'服务端接收到了信息 {info}'.encode())
#for p in range(len(a)):
#a.send(f'服务端接收到了信息 {info}'.encode())
except: # 处理意外情况,大多是因为客户端异常退出引起的
for key, k in list(user.items()): # 与消息长度为0一样的操作
if k == dataSocket:
del user[key]
if key == "" or key == " ":
for ka in user:
user[ka].send(("空" + "已退出群聊").encode())
user[ka].send(("E " + "空").encode())
for ka in user:
user[ka].send((key + "已退出群聊").encode())
user[ka].send(("E " + key).encode())
dataSocket.close() # 循环结束后,没有必要再进行下去,所以关闭监听
# listenSocket.close()
# 类型:socket.AF_INET 可以理解为 IPV4
# 协议:socket.SOCK_STREAM
listenSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
listenSocket.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SOCK_STREAM, True)
listenSocket.ioctl(SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS, (1, 60*1000, 30*1000))
# socket绑定地址和端口
listenSocket.bind(('', 80))
# server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# server.bind(('', 8000)) # (client客户端ip, 端口)
# server.listen() # 监听
# dataSocket, addr = listenSocket.accept()
# print('接受一个客户端连接:', addr)
while True:
dataSocket, addr = listenSocket.accept() # 获得一个客户端的连接(阻塞式,只有客户端连接后,下面才执行)
print('接受一个客户端连接:', addr)
if (1==1):
xd = threading.Thread(target=deal, args=(dataSocket, addr))
xd.start() # 启动一个线程
微软, 用户名