[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码import os
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
def crop_image(image_path):
img = Image.open(image_path)
# Convert image to numpy array
img_data = np.asarray(img)
# Get the bounding box
non_white_pixels = np.where(img_data != 255)
min_y, max_y = np.min(non_white_pixels[0]), np.max(non_white_pixels[0])
min_x, max_x = np.min(non_white_pixels[1]), np.max(non_white_pixels[1])
# Adjust the bounding box to leave a 10 pixel border
min_y = max(0, min_y - 10) # Ensure it's not less than 0
min_x = max(0, min_x - 10) # Ensure it's not less than 0
max_y = min(img_data.shape[0], max_y + 10) # Ensure it's not greater than the image height
max_x = min(img_data.shape[1], max_x + 10) # Ensure it's not greater than the image width
# Crop the image to this bounding box
cropped_img = img.crop((min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y))
# Save the cropped image
# original function to resize image to 4:3
def resize_image_to_43(image_path):
img = Image.open(image_path)
original_width, original_height = img.size
target_aspect_ratio = 4 / 3
# Calculate target size with same aspect ratio
if original_width / original_height > target_aspect_ratio:
# if image is wider than target aspect ratio, adjust height
target_height = int(original_width / target_aspect_ratio)
target_width = original_width
# if image is taller than target aspect ratio, adjust width
target_width = int(original_height * target_aspect_ratio)
target_height = original_height
# Create new image with white background
new_img = Image.new("RGB", (target_width, target_height), "white")
# calculate paste coordinates to center original image
paste_x = (target_width - original_width) // 2
paste_y = (target_height - original_height) // 2
new_img.paste(img, (paste_x, paste_y))
# Save new image overwriting the old one
# now we integrate them in process_images function
def process_images(folder):
for filename in os.listdir(folder):
if filename.endswith(".jpg") or filename.endswith(".png") or filename.endswith(".webp"):
image_path = os.path.join(folder, filename)
print(f"Processing image at {image_path}")
# replace this with your own directory
folder = "F:\Desktop\新建文件夹"